The Art of Teaching
Venue Details
The Art of Teaching
This workshop is designed to support you to be the most epic, authentic, and inspirational yoga teacher possible.
In this full day, I will share tips, tricks, and tools that I have learned during my 13 years of teaching literally 1000’s of students and 100’s of yoga teachers. This is what I wish I had learned at the beginning of my teaching journey. The workshop is valuable for how you show up in the world, including your work and intimate relationships.
• Learn a range of different sequencing templates
• Unique ways to theme and develop a class plan
• Practice teaching to the 5 koshas
• Tips for Adjustments and Assists
• Vocal activation techniques to speak from a place of inner authority
• Explore your pedagogical approach: It is time to innovate and explore how we can teach yoga in a real, authentic, and engaging way.
• Drop the jargon and simplify your teaching vocabulary to be able to give clear and effective cues
• Develop a confident, natural teaching style applicable for sharing your passion, whether that be teaching yoga or anything else
• Considerations for teaching specific populations (e.g refugees, religious practitioners, recovering addicts, stress and anxiety, trauma, etc)
• Receive a template for Restorative Yoga to add another style of yoga to your teaching compendium
About Bex: Over the last 12 years of teaching at The Yoga Barn Bex has taught literally tens of thousands of yoga practitioners and trained hundreds of yoga teachers. As a result, she has a wealth of tools to share with you that come from practical experience and cross-cultural diversity. She loves supporting people to teach their passion, to find their message, and tell it in a way that can be heard.
- If you have any issues with online payments, please email [email protected] or WhatsApp The Yoga Barn Hotline (+62) 811 3983 789 We're here to help!
- Registration and payment can also be made at The Yoga Barn Reception
- If you see ticket sales are closed for the Event, contact us by WhatsApp to see if there is still space available!
- For special class, workshop and night event, Children under the age of 10 are not permitted to join , there are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. Children ages 10-15 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or sibling that is over 18