Daycation Package | The Siam Bangkok

Venue Details

The Siam Bangkok
3/2 Thanon Khao, Vachirapayabal
Dusit, Bangkok, 10300

Daycation Package | The Siam Bangkok

The Siam Daycation


General T&Cs 

  • Vouchers are non-refundable, cannot be redeemed for cash or monetary value, and cannot be extended past the validity date.
  • No shows and late cancellation will result in the cancellation of redeemed Megatix vouchers.
  • Vouchers may only be used for a single transaction; the full value must be redeemed at one time.
  • Voucher is valid for 3 months from the purchase date. 
  • To make a reservation please call 02-206-6999 or email [email protected] 

Venue Details

The Siam Bangkok
3/2 Thanon Khao, Vachirapayabal
Dusit, Bangkok, 10300